Pervious Paving Ideas
A professional landscaper explains the benefits of using pervious pavements.
A video transcript featuring Ive Haugeland, Shades of Green Landscape Architecture
The patio was here before. It was much smaller, though, so we added a lot of footage. It used to be concrete, but it was all cracked. It was really old and in bad shape. So we took that out, and we put in these concrete pavers. They are precast, and they are set on sand. They come in a lot of different colors and sizes, so we did the pattern with a mix of different sizes.
Permeable paving materials
We did a lot of permeable paving using decomposed granite. Permeable paving is when the water can come down in the soil again, and percolate down into the groundwater. Also on this patio, even if the pavers are bigger, they are set on sand so water can come down through. The result is a much bigger patio that the client can use, and the views from here are amazing.