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Colorful Garden Shrubs

See garden artisan Scott Cohen's favorite garden shrubs including colorful, flowering assortments and more.

A video transcript featuring Scott Cohen, The Green Scene

We use a lot of my favorite shrubs and plantings on this particular project. For example, this is called a Brunfelsia, or a "Yesterday Today and Tomorrow." What makes this plant so unique is it first blooms in a deep purple, and then fades out into a soft lavender, and then finally to an all-white flower. It's one of the few shrubs that bloom in three or four different colors at any one given time. It takes sun or partial shade. It's a great plant.

Another favorite of mine is this gardenia here. Gardenias have a very fragrant flower, but a nice bisque-white color to them, and on a full moon, they really show off the flowers. This fragrant flower can be used as a decoration in a water bowl in the center of your outdoor patio table at the new barbecue you throw.

Another favorite shrub of mine is here. This is called Golden Euonymus, and it's a very drought-tolerant hardy shrub, almost impossible for the gardener to kill, and certainly for those of you who don't have a green thumb, this is a good choice. The foliage is golden-yellow with green offset. It's nice because it gives this color year-round even though it's really not known for having a spectacular flower.

Another great shrub is this Abutilon. This is called a Chinese Lantern, and the flowers hang from this upside down probably three or four months out of the year. So it gives us a lot of color. One of the great things about this plant is that hummingbirds seem to love it, and it's good luck to have hummingbirds visit your yard.

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