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Outdoor Flooring Options

Compare porcelain tiles, concrete tiles, saltillos and more

Tile floors are second only to flagstone in the quality they lend to an outdoor living space. The durability of tile has brought it into both residential and commercial projects proving its ability to hold up over time. As smaller units, tiles are easily boxed and transported compared to stone veneers or poured and stamped concrete which is heavier and more difficult to install.

Other Outdoor Flooring Types:

Vitrified - These tiles may appear to be ceramic but are composed of clay mixed with feldspar and quarts to produce a much more solid body.

Frost proof tile - Super dense tiles that will not absorb water and therefore do not suffer cracks or displacement due to freezing moisture inside or behind a tile are a must. These tiles will be rated for porosity as Vitreous or Impervious and hardness ratings in Groups IV and V.

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