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Southwestern Garden Plants

The best plants for a Mexican style landscape

A variety of plants can be used to accentuate the Mexican style for your outdoor space and patio. Cacti, fruit trees, and broad leafed plants are especially characteristic of the region. Adding a splash of color with tropical plants will complete the look.

Bromeliads, bougainvillea, orchids, dahlia, agave and rex-begonia are all great options. Before planting, visit your local nursery to find out which plants will grow best in your region.

Agave Large, sculptural succulent makes an excellent focal point - drought-tolerant, endures temperatures into teens

Yucca A perennial shrub with evergreen, sword-shaped leaves and a white flower - native to hot, dry regions

Bougainvillea A popular ornamental vine in areas with warm climates - common colors are purple, pink and red

Dahlia A native of Mexico, these flowering plants come in many colors and grow best in areas without frost

Mexican Bush Sage A shrub that attracts bees, butterflies and birds - silver-grey foliage with violet blooms in late summer

Yellow Bells A small ornamental shrub with tubular flowers that grows well in Texas, New Mexico & Arizona

Get more ideas for landscaping with succulents

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